Hi everyone. Nice to meet you here in my blog. First of all, I'll introduce myself first since this is my first time posting here. My name is Amirul Haqim Abdul Malek. You guys can just call me Haqim, or maybe Amirul. But I would love if you guys can just call me Haqim. I'm 22 years old and currently studying at National University of Malaysia (UKM) pursuing Bachelor Degree of Business Administration. I am in my first year semester 2. 

        The topic that I would like to share with you guys is about the perks of being a student. Being as a student, we of course have repeatedly been exposed to new cultures and diverse groups of people. Doesn't matter whether it is a physical class or an online class, we'll be exposed to that. We'll get to know new people in university. And because of that, it made us to quickly adapt to changes and gain a broader perspective. 

        As a student, we need to always be curious about things and enjoy learning. Why do I say something like that? It is because as a student, we need to know and we need to learn a lot of new things. It is something that we must have in ourselves, which is being curious and having the urge to learn about everything. That's what it takes to be as a student, and we don't have to worry about that. 

        I, myself as a student, I'm very curious about things. Even it is just a small things, I want to know about it so bad. And I don't mind if the curiosity makes my mind miserable, because I know that one day I'll get the answer of my curiosity. I am also a detail oriented person and I keep my goals and tasks organized to maintain productivity. 

        I believe that all of us and all of the readers will have a great experience during their studies. It's okay if we feel down during our studies, it is a normal thing. But we need to remember that we have to get back up and continue pursuing our dreams without any hesitation.  


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